Tuesday, July 1, 2008


June 2008 Comics

As always, spoilers below!

X-Men Legacy #213
- Legacy's pace has been the complete opposite of the pace of Mike Carey's run on X-Men. Finally, with this issue, things seem to be gaining some speed. Sinister is my favorite villain, and I'm glad to seem him return in some capacity.

Captain Britain and MI: 13 #2 - Awesome. I know next to squat about Arthurian legend, but this issue was still great. I hope this series sticks around for a while. Things are looking really good.

Teen Titans #60 - Damn. I was hoping Wonder Girl would leave the team, not Ravager. Robin, Miss Martian, Kid Devil, Ravager, and Blue Beetle would be an awesome team line-up. Other than that, this issue was alright. I'm still not completely sold on the Terror Titans, and the whole Dark Side Club thing confused me. The new Clock King intrigues me, though.

X-Factor #32 - Sigh. I thought this was supposed to be Pablo Raimondi's last issue. If I had known it was going to be a fill-in (and a very capable fill-in at that), I would have savored the previous issue a little more. I'm going to miss Raimondi's art on this book, and I'm dreading Stroman coming on board. I miss Layla.

Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #1 - Eh, it was an alright issue. I can't decide if I liked the art or not. Some characters looked great (most of the Runaways), while others looked like eight year olds (most of the Young Avengers). Also, what's up with the Young Avengers changing clothes between panels? Speed goes from a sport coat to an orange shirt to his costume all in the same page. For only being a three issue mini, this was a little too much set up for my taste.

Uncanny X-Men #499 - What was the point of this story again? Oh yeah, that's right--to stall time until issue 500.

Immortal Iron Fist #16 - Fat Cobra in a tie. That's all that needs to be said.

Friday, June 13, 2008


No New Page Today

Sorry. It'll be up Tuesday instead.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Some Comic Book Thoughts for May 2008

So I get my comics from DCBS shipped to me once a month. I've finished reading all my books for May and have some thoughts to share.

Thar be spoilers!

X-Force #4
- Woo boy! This series gets better with every passing issue. I was skeptical at first--a team consisting entirely of feral mutants? Really? Luckily I trusted in Kyle & Yost, who were awesome on New X-Men, and they delivered. I love how the book is as much about X-Force as it is about the villains. Is Risman planning against Bastion? Is there a giant Technarchy-infected-mutant-haters versus the Celestial-techno-organic-archangel-Choir battle, with X-Force caught in the middle, on the horizon? I sure hope so! The art is a perfect fit for the book, so much so that I'm kinda wary of Mike Choi and Sonia Oback (even though I love their work) rotating with Clayton Crain. Anyway, this was easily my favorite book of the month. The return of Archangel, X-23's characterization and narration, Elixir's comment to Wolfsbane when she woke up, Wolverine's speech to X-23--It was all awesome. I hope Elixir and Archangel stick around to join the team.

Giant Size Astonishing X-Men #1
- OK, on the first read-through I was really disappointed by this book. Why did the heroes blank out? Why were they even necessary for the story? What happened to the supposed weakness that only Kruun knows about? Where is Cassandra Nova? What about Lockheed's homeworld troubles? What happened to Emma promising to hand Xavier over to Danger? It felt like a really messy and unsatisfying ending to what was an amazing run. But now that I've read it a second time, I appreciate it much more. I get the parts with the heroes and Kruun. I assume Whedon intended for Cassie, Lockheed, and Danger to be picked up by other writers (but the Danger thing still really bugs me). The Emma/Kitty and Beast/Brand scenes were the highlights of the issue. Beast as an agent of S.W.O.R.D.? Yes, please! Finally my favorite X-Man has a date again.

Blue Beetle #27 - A decent enough fill-in. It's only been 2 issues since he left, but I already miss John Rogers on this book.

Captain Britain and MI: 13 #1 - Pretty awesome first issue. I'm really interested in where this series will be going. Oh, and to Paul Cornell, please please please bring back Meggan! I miss her.

Avengers: The Initiative #13 - This was a really touching one-shot story. The last page made me all misty-eyed.

Young X-Men #2 - As a lover of the former New X-Men run, I know I'm supposed to hate this book (or at least that's what I've been told), but I don't. It's not as good as New X-Men was, but it's not as bad as I hear people making it out to be. The mysteries are intriguing enough: Is this really Cyclops? If not, who is it? (my money's on Donald Pierce or Sebastian Shaw) What's up with Greymalkin? Does Blindfold have an invisible friend? What's Ink's deal? Have the New Mutants really gone bad? (again, my bet is no) Which two characters in that scene aren't mutants? (again, I think "Cyclops" and either Ink or Greymalkin) And I actually like the art. It's really grown on me. I have faith in this book.

Monday, June 2, 2008


The Lackeys Webcomic Launches

The Lackeys is my webcomic chronicling the adventures of the assistants to a team of superheroes. I'll be using this blog for news and updates for the comic as well as my own ramblings.

The site is finally up and functional. Right now I'm shooting for regular Tuesday and Friday updates. That schedule might change depending on how quickly or slowly I turn out pages.

So, be sure to come back Tuesday for the second page!

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